Saturday, November 17, 2012

October 8, 2012

1. What did you like about conference?
2. Did you get your packages?
3. Did your people come to conference?
4. Did you listen in Spanish or English?
5. What are the thoughts in the mission about the change in ages for missionaries? I love it…..
6. Did get get any pictures last week….Try again but only send a few in several emails…I want lots of pictures

Laura, i will talk about conference in the letter. No packages. They didn`t send it to me yet. lame. We had a pretty good turn out. Many members just dont know. Saturday there was just... us in the chapel. That`s okay though we are working on it. We listened in english and priesthood in spanish with the men.

Okay well the first official feed of General Conference in Buenaventura. Very special. We have some great people getting to know the church right now. It is special to work here. It is different. I enjoyed all the talks. I however wasn`t expecting what made the difference for me. I felt something different then i had ever felt. I felt strong spiritual impressions. Not abnormal just not overly common. They were so noticiable and so real i felt as if someone was whispering in my ear and quietly expressing to me the will of the lord. I was overcome by the holy ghost. During President Eyerings talk, the signal dropped and we could only hear it on the internet radio. I focused on every word he said and that is when i started to feel this special presence. It was an unforgettable conference for me.

We watched conference on sunday on a cell phone. A colombian version of what i think is something like the I phone.

We are trying to do the right thing here in buenaventura. Sometimes we dont know what is the most important thing to do. Find?? Strengthen investigators?? Help the members?? It is all important but we have neglected the 3rd. It is huge. Can you imagine having a box full of beautiful ornaments for your christmas tree and when you go to put them on there are only 2 3 strangly branches to hang them on?? Or trying to shift a car from 1st to 5th without going through 2nd 3rd and 4th?? We must STRENGTHEN our stakes, and then we can EXTEND our boundaries. We are trying to do it all here but we are doing some searching to see how to do it. Any thoughts?? President Taylor would have a good answer to this problem. Can you ask him Laura??

Love you all Elder Belnap.

This is what he wrote about the Saturday announcement at conference:
Yes i freaked out about the mission announcement. Awesome! the women down here are more then excited. "We can get married and go on missions!!" they all say.

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