Saturday, November 17, 2012

june 23, 2012

I asked him a lot of questions about the mission splitting:
The exchanges went well and the missionaries all know what mission they will stay in. For some it has been hard for others it is a breath of relief. The lord calls us all. He knows how it all should go. I am happy to stay in Cali. The missionaries that are going there are now informed, so the parents will send all their stuff to the other mission office. I did not get my package. We will have to see when it gets here! (This package has PRO rings for his area)

Hello everyone, Well we had a huge week. We traveled 80 percent of the mission in 5 days. We only went to look for miracles and help people to be baptized. I did probably 15 baptismal interviews. Some of them were people have heard the missionaries for a long time. Years and years and hadn`t made the decision, god was there and hearts were opened. The lord truly gives the gift of convencimiento (not sure how to say that in english). We are going to have a lot of baptisms tongiht. I will baptize an investigator that i interviewed that had heard the missionaries for about a year and hadn`t made the choice. It will be a very special and spiritual night.

We were on a bus last night and the air condiciong broke. The bus was full and i was on the second to last row. It was 1 in the morning and i was so hot. I am talking the worst a.d.d. attack of my life. I could not sit still. I was so crammed, so tired, so hungry, and it was hotter than hellfire. Well, when the bus driver said there was nothing he could do we had to do something. There is a small hole in the roof of the bus where air from outside can come in but it was broken and locked shut. I was with my bro Elder Ramirez and we were able to break the door open and rushing cold air came into the bus. It was a miracle. haha all the people looked at us and were very happy.

We are heading to a baptism. I love you all so much

Elder Benny

So sweet that LeBron Won.

Con amor,
Elder Benny Belnap

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