Saturday, November 17, 2012

april 14, 2012

It would be great to have pro rings. I would love that in our ward. We get pdays sometimes. Today kinda but we didn´t get to do much. We had an activity so that one of our investigators can get married. We listen to music in the house in the morning and stuff. We listen to the conferences talks in english. We enjoy it!
Well i am excited to share the week that we had. We did some travling and saw miracles. We worked hard in our area and we are set up for Paolas baptism on thursday of next week. The members are happy with the work and the mission is exploding in success. I wish i could share all that has bappened but there is just too much. We are doing well and have seen huge, real growth. This thursday we got up at 3 to go to medellin. They cancelled our flight so we had to go to another airport. 1 hour with our knees in our chest. The president got really sick. We left from the other airport and got to Cali at about 10 30. On friday we had went to work in a different small town. Zarzal. It is a sweet pueblo. We got up early and went.
We ate lunch and started working. I left with a brother from the branch and my companion with another. Also the zone leaders and district leader was there. (It was the sisters area, they need all the help they can get. Love you mom! :) ) So we went to recent converts houses to look for new people to teach. The first house we put a baptism date with the mom of a recent convert. Great lesson. We started visiting more people and we found some new people for the sisters to teach. Well we had to be back to the chapel by 5. We visited a guy that the sisters are already teaching and invited him to have a baptismal interview. at 5 15 my companion started to text me because we hadnt gotten there yet and we were late. Well the brother said there is one more person we could visit and we kinda said, "ya its late but lets go this is the last shot we got". We went and we had only a few minutes we just said hi but i realized that one of the people there was not a member. I asked and she said no and we talked in the doorway and we knew we had only minutes. She has gone to church for a while but is an old investigator that didnt want anything to do with baptism. I said hey lets go to the church and we can do your interview and see how your progress is going. She accepted.
So we had two interviews. I entered in with Luis, the man i met earlier in the day and my companion with Vanessa who i had met ten minutes ago. I didnt explain anything to my companion. I said lets go for the miracle. I had a great interview and was filled with the spirit. The man is in the process of leaving behind alcohol. I gave him a blessing and the spirit filled the room. He will be baptized on the 28th of this month. So we left the interview and i waited for my companion to leave his interview with vanessa. It was a long interview but i didn´t want to inturrupt. The last bus to Cali left at 7 and i knew we were going to miss it but i just waited. They left the interview and she was crying. She will be baptized today at 7pm. We saw the hand of god in the work. It was fun, it was joy, God did his work and we could watch it. In 24 hours we found, taught, interviewed, and baptized. There is so much power in the baptismal interview. The lord truly blesses the person that does it.
I loved this week.
I love you all Elder Belnap.

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