Saturday, November 17, 2012

October 29, 2012

  1. Do any of the missionaries snore?
  2. What is the name of your companion?
  3. Is he brand new?
  4. Baptisms this week?
  5. How are the lessons coming along?
  6. How was church? Primary?
Well i think we all snore. But i honestly think the one from bolivia snores the most. haha My companion is Elder Alfonso, he is new in the mission. He has now been here in the mission for about 2 months i think. Time goes fast. We are preparing all the baptisms for the 10th of
November and the 24th of November. We are doing all we can. It has been kind of hard to start over in my new area. But we are doing all we can. We will baptize, it is who we are, that is what we do.
This week in church was special. It was a conference just for the country of colombia. Neil L Anderson spoke and presided. He spoke with two other seventies and the relief society president. It was great. Neil L. Anderson spoke in spanish. It was awesome. I think they people liked it. He talked about some people i know here in Cali and Some people from Palmira. It was a beautiful conference. He left a very special apostolic Blessing. He blessed colombia with peace. He promised that they would have food on the table and a roof over their head if they paid their tithing. It was a sacred blessing to listen to.
I also had a great experience talking to a couple with some marraige problems. I sat them both down, feeling like nephi "being lead by the spirit, not knowing before hand what i was to do..." and talked about how the lord desires our marraige. It was special. They are working it out and i am grateful for learning experiences like that.

I love this work and it is a privelage to open this city.

I love you all, Elder Belnap

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